Scientificolly designed for complete safety of workers working on fragile roofs
The Afflict Safiety Roof Top Walk Lndder System is manufactured from ahirdy extruded light weight aluminium provided with a Sliding device, Elevating pads and Quick-action clamps.
This act comprises of :
Ladder 3m in length | 3 Nos. |
Half ladder 1-5m in length | 1 No. |
Working platforms O6m length | 3 Nos. |
Ouick-action clamps | 25 Nos. |
Elevating pads | 15 Nos. |
Safety belt complete with pouch, 3m Life line and Screw hook | 1 No. |
The system permits a linear coverage of 10.5m from any point on a fragile roof. Working on the platforms is possible upto I.2m from the ladder path. Por working beyond IN the ladder can be adjusted acrose the roof corrugations.
The Sumer Safety Roof Top Walk Ladder System distributes the weight of the worker over several saddles to ensure that the weight is transferred equally to the load bearing structure of the roof for the safety of the worker, instead of the fragile corrugated roof. The ladders are so designed that a worker can reach any point from the roof and not necessarily from the apex.